Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 SM-G7102.

How To Install Android 5.0.2 Lollipop On Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 with CyanogenMod 12
  1. Download ROM according to your liking
    1. cm-12-20150206-UNOFFICIAL-ms013g. [CyanogenMod 12]
  2. Download file for Android 5.0 Lollipop.
  3. Connect your phone to your PC now.
  4. Copy the both the .zip files to the storage of your phone.
  5. Now disconnect your phone and turn it off complete.
  6. Boot into CWM recovery now, in order to do so, turn it on by pressing and holding Volume Up + Home Button + Power Key. You should see the recovery mode in a while.
  7. Now in CWM recovery, wipe cache, factory data reset and advanced options > dalvik cache.
  8. After wiping all these three, select “Install” option.
  9. Now select “Install > Choose Zip from SD card > Select cm-12-… file > Yes”.
  10. This will flash the ROM in your phone, once done get back to the main menu in recovery.
  11. Now once again select “Install > Choose Zip from SD card > Select file > Yes”
  12. This will flash the Gapps in your phone.
  13. Reboot your device.
  14. You should see the Android 5.0.2 Lollipop running on your device in a while.
  15. That’s all!         CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
